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Category: Home Design
Investing in your Home Starts with the Exterior
| January 7, 2012 | 7:00 AM | Home Design, Metal Roof, Remodeling, Vinyl Siding | No comments

In the current real estate market , many homeowners are opting to stay put and make improvements  to their homes. Not a bad idea, considering the fact that it is truly a buyers market. Many buyers are looking for the deal of the century and are flat out refusing to pay top dollar for a house. So, with that said, is it time to update your home’s exterior?

Give your home a wow-worthy makeover that fits your family’s lifestyle and budget. Whether your house is on the market or you just want to rev up its curb appeal, consider an exterior update for your next home improvement project. Think about it, your home’s exterior is the first thing potential buyers or your neighbors see when they look at your house. An inviting entryway looks great from the street to your door and signals a cozy, attractive interior.

Keep in mind that even the smallest of updates, such as a fresh coat of paint, can drastically enhance a home exterior. Choose durable exterior materials that can withstand the test of time and the elements. When selecting a color scheme, search for one that complements the style of home you live in, and consider using color to highlight and define your home’s architectural features. With today’s vast collections of exterior paints, hardware, and materials, you can create a beautiful, cohesive look on any budget.

Now that you’ve made the easy and fun updates to your home’s exterior, you need to tackle some of the bigger areas. I’m talking about  doors, garages, lighting, roofs, siding, stonework, and windows.  My realtor friend, Debbie tells me new siding is a huge plus. She also says old, on its last leg, residential roofing can be a deal breaker. Many are even investing in metal roofing because it lasts three times as long and is by far the most durable. Erie Construction of Evansville, Indiana is a trusted leader in the industry and can show you why investing in your roof can drastically increase the resale value of your home.

Easiest Way To Remove Your Popcorn Ceiling
| December 1, 2011 | 8:00 AM | Home Design | No comments

Most people hate their popcorn ceilings. The good news is that it’s really not that difficult to get rid of it. Experts say the popcorn ceiling was very much of the early 90’s along with pickle stained wood. Most builders sprayed the ceiling with the popcorn ceiling because it is fast and cheap.

If you hate yours, you need to put in a little elbow grease and you will be popcorn free. Like any surface removal, you have a few basic choices: scrape (or pry off), sand, or use a chemical.

Keep in mind, scraping can dig into the ceiling, sanding can be very dusty and tedious and a chemical that would dissolve the finish would be even more nasty.

In situations like this you can rent a dust-collecting power sander from the local tool rental shop. This makes a terrible task only mildly tiring and really does a nice job of containing the dust and debris. If this is more than you want to tackle, hiring it out shouldn’t be too terribly expensive.

What’s Hot In 2011 Kitchen Design
| November 1, 2011 | 10:00 AM | Home Design | No comments

Each year brings about new trends in everything from clothing to food, to designing kitchens. This year, is no different. Kitchen designers are now starting to introduce curved shapes to the kitchen, just like other parts of the house. Gone are the days of sharp and straight looks, as it’s now being replaced by a softer appearance.

The easiest way to add curved shapes and bump up your kitchen with a contemporary look is through the introduction of rounded sinks, maybe bowed cabinets, or even curved faucets. If you can afford a bit more, you should think about adding a curved kitchen island. Some of the high end home design magazines are already featuring curvier kitchens.

Until recently kitchens were designed with a particular style and set of materials but the trend this year is to mix and match materials and styles to get your unique look. An example for you is to blend brick walls with stainless steel cabinets. If you’re really brave, you can use different cabinet styles too. Designers say since the kitchen is such an important room, you really need to fill it with items you really love. One idea is to add some old world romance by adding a chandelier. Nothing is out, if you love it, why not put it in your kitchen!